Hey Newgrounds,
Today has been a pretty busy week for me. Especially with all of my flash work going on. You may have seen my previous post on my latest game, Clear Skies: WW III. I don't want to give away too much yet, but I'm starting a devlog. You can see it at www.clearskieselite.blogspot.com I hope to get a few followers who are interested. I'm still taking beta testers, you WILL get credit.
Now to the point of this post. I need to have a team for the PO3. If anybody wants to be my musician or artist, then I would look forward to working with you. I don't need a professional animator, but that would be nice ;) I just need someone who can draw some awsome scenery. My idea is to make a find the 9 differences game. Heheh ( 3x3=9, get it). Just kidding, that isnt the actual implementation of 3. The thing is that there are 3 screens, each all the same except for 9 things that are slightly different in each screen. If you want to do the art or music, just comment and I will look at your profile accept you if I think your good enough.